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Digital Transformation and Process Optimization

Three Misconceptions about Digital Transformation

January 13, 2021

If engaging in a digital transformation initiative seems overwhelming, you are not alone.

The idea of doing something new, combined with the memories of
challenging implementations and vendors that over-promise and under-deliver,
creates a perfect storm of concern and hesitation between suppliers and site


To proactively bridge this gap, Cornerstone will offer educational opportunities
about Emerson’s digital transformation solutions. Through our blog, case studies,
white papers, webinars, videos, complimentary courses, and on-line technical
demonstrations, customers can inform themselves and learn more about
Emerson and Cornerstone’s successes in the digital transformation domain.

This blog series consists of short, pragmatic pieces about approaching and
successfully implementing digital transformation technologies. Cornerstone aims
to build upon the decades of trust we already share with our customers by
offering a transparent, authentic conversation concerning the successful digital
transformation technology projects.

We will start our series by addressing three misconceptions we hear in the field:

1. Digital Transformation (DX) is marketing speak for an IIOT solution.

Digital transformation is a business paradigm, not a product, solution, or service.
Organizations apply DX initiatives to business models and processes to minimize
inefficiencies and maximize outcomes (i.e., people productivity, plant output,
revenue, profitability). An IIOT solution is just one of many technical applications
of “digital” to the processes you’re trying to “transform.”  


2. Our site isn’t ready for digital transformation.

This statement may be true. However, in the 1990s, sites dependent upon fax machines and typewritten memos for internal and external communication weren’t ready for electronic mail, either. It’s likely your site already has digital capabilities you can reuse or build upon using modern technologies. If obsolete technology tends to be pervasive in every aspect of your process, Cornerstone can help you pick one area of focus and start there. This approach will enable the site to manage risk and control spending carefully.

3. Digital transformation technologies are too expensive.

Without key performance indicators and business metrics driving your DX initiatives, then the purchase of technologies comes off as “nice to haves” instead of mission-critical applications. Capital projects require a minimum internal rate of return (otherwise known as return on investment) for a project to move forward. Cornerstone can help you gather metrics and build a business case. If your site is under a corporate mandate, talk to us about engaging in a no-cost, risk mitigation step using a Technical Discovery process.
Our next blog will be a “how-to” on engaging Cornerstone and what you should expect from an Executive Briefing, Technical Briefing, and Technical Discovery. 

Subscribe to our Digital Transformation Series

If obsolete technology tends to be pervasive in every aspect of your process, Cornerstone can help you pick one area of focus and start there.