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Drum Level Drum Level
Steam drum level is both a critical and difficult measurement to take as control of the water level in the drum must be precise.

Steam drum level is both a critical and difficult measurement to take as control of the water level in the drum must be precise.

A water level that is too high can result in water carryover into the steam piping. A level that is too low can expose the generating tubes (down comers), preventing the water in the drum from cooling the furnace tubes properly and possibly damaging them. Several factors make this measurement difficult to obtain. The steam drum itself may not be perfectly level, and even at steady state conditions, considerable turbulence in the drum can cause the level to fluctuate. Constantly changing rates of water inflow and steam outflow add to the potential for measurement error.

Our solutions provide accurate and reliable measurements of liquid level even when the operating environment includes mechanical vibration and high turbulence.

Emerson has multiple solutions and technologies for the measurement of boiler drum level.  The breadth of these solutions includes direct reading products along with electronic/conductivity solutions.  Emerson has a solution to meet any pressure (including vacuum) and temperature application.

Avoid measurement error
Ensure efficient plant operations
Choose the right product for extreme conditions
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